Legit content curation is a service I believe would be of great value to the soccer community.
Meaning, filtering through the vast ocean of garbage that’s published online (>99%) and extracting the gems for you.
I have not come across a better curator than a gentleman named Nuno Ferreira (@Nuno_tuga_).
Pretty much everything I’ve seen him share online is quality. Nuno knows the game at a level that’s rare in this country.
Here are 5 links he’s got for us this week.
1) The most important match in the history of the game
The day the world met Possession football: England vs Hungary 1953
2) How Lionel Messi and Wayne Rooney think on the field
Football is a thinking game and much less spontaneous than it looks.
3) The Making of Ronaldo
Born or made?
4) Game Intelligence
Performance LAB Innovation Seminar by @counterattack9
5) Guardiola on Messi – Tactical Approach 2013
Chess on the green.
If you’d like Nuno to continue curating for us, and make this a regular thing, please drop him a note in the comments.
Oh, and as for that Guardiola presentation … if you want to get this kind of in person education with us and other coaches this summer, and in English 🙂 …
One freezing night this January, I was sitting in the Camp Nou with a Barcelona official, watching Barca-Atletico Madrid in the Spanish Cup. When the game kicked off, the official said, “Watch Messi.” It was a puzzling sight. The little man was wandering around, apparently ignoring the ball. The official explained: “In the first few minutes he just walks across the field. He is looking at each opponent, where the guy positions himself, and how their defense fits together. Only after doing that does he start to play.”
This is from the comments section of the thinking article on ESPN and I love it. I read this article before and I enjoyed it a great deal particularly this comment. I often smile watching a player like Messi or Pirlo in the beginning of a match as they nearly eschew the ball. There is a lot to be said about approaching the game in this manner. This is where the game plan is laid by genius players.
Football has many ‘click whir’… fixed action responses as Alvin Toffler explains in his excellent book, The Third Wave. One area we struggle in with mastering the game in this country is first recognizing these patterns that occur over and over again let alone working within the negative space of those patterns.
The geniuses of the game operate in the negative space of the fixed action patterns of the game. These are the thinkers of football… the engine room operators of curating ideas. These are the players we suffer from a near dire absence of. It is one thing to obtain excellence in the thinking aspect of the fixed patterns and set tactical play of the game (which we are nowhere near) it is altogether another to operate extraordinarily in the space between those actions.
So much to learn. So much to learn.
The general idea behind this topic of mainstreaming content is huge. I have an entire space dedicated within my browser dedicated to trimming the fat off the meat and is my go to source for legitimate information. The space is liquid and ever changing as the information and sources of information is ever changing. So happens, this blog resides at the top.
Got so excited talking I forgot to listen…..yes would love Nuno to curate- if he is willing.
I’ve been following this blog for a while, and its been the single most important tipping point in my coaching process.
Like I’m sure many of us do, I’ve been scraping the internet for nuggets. They’re hard to find, but they’re there, as this post shows!
A regular curator of quality content would be awesome. But could a set of forums allow ‘group curation’ and better support a revolution?
Can you trust some of the message to the people yet? 🙂
Agreed that 3four3 has had the most influence on my coaching. And I also will say, the more I think I know, the less I realize I know – even if I’m only moderately successful (whatever that means or translates into), the desire to learn is strong – I’d still be a member if I didn’t have a team.
One thing about group curation, and this is meant as no slight, not everyone “gets it”. As I stated above, the more I think I know, the less I realize I know. The worry would be that the concept of possession “floats”. Not necessarily a bad thing, but akin to what we in technology call “feature creep”. You start with a set of requirements, and you start adding and tweaking until the end is so far different than what you started with…delays and loss of quality begin to rear their ugly heads.
I prefer that Gary and Brian set the standard. If they pull someone in to curate, then it’s still under their standard. I believe most of us as coaches are still not playing against teams even remotely close to what 3four3 espouses, so there’s little worry of “cookie cutter”.
Just my 2 cents – I appreciate everything we are discussing here, I hope more to come.
“If you’d like Nuno to continue curating for us, and make this a regular thing, please drop him a note in the comments.”
Nuno, Yes, please do.
These links were all very useful, so “yes please Nuno”!
Great content! Nuno keep it coming.
Thanks you. Keep it up Nuno!!! We need more. Mas por favor.
Hope you guys found some of these links useful
Gary is way too nice
I’m just another coach who enjoys to learn about the game
I do believe 3four3 has made a real difference at many levels in the US game and I’m glad I can help out in some way
If you have a link that you would like to share hit me at @Nuno_tuga_
I think this link is too long for Twitter, but its a really interesting read;
There’s so much education in these pieces here. Yes, I want more like these and would love to see more from Nuno in the future.
Also, if Nuno could tell us more about himself (I.e. playing/coaching background) that would be great. I wonder what he coaches now.
I already follow Nuno on Twitter, but I’m casting my vote in. This post is especially enlightening, so keep it coming!
I have definitely enjoyed the comments made by Nuno which go way back. I also like seeing the comments by other coaches. Part of this process of learning is that everyone has the ability to influence and be of use to someone else on this forum. I’ve picked up little tips here and there from coaches that aren’t as strong maybe in their understanding of soccer coaching as Nuno has demonstrated but I learn from their contribution nuggets and I’d hate to see coaches refrain from expressing their thoughts. If anything, Kliebans have given a key to Nuno long deserving and I look forward to MORE Nuno contributions, I’d like to personally encourage other coaches to still contribute as you never know, something you said might be influencing what I do tomorrow without you ever knowing.