But it would be awesome if you read this article first.
There’s no question we need better soccer education in our country.
So over the past 7 years, Brian and I have taken on that challenge. Of course it’s been much longer if we include all the on-field and in-person work, but insofar as delivering education that scales, that was born with 3four3.
Articles have been written, videos produced, and a business to help sustain and create greater value and products founded.
Thankfully, we’re not alone. A team is taking shape:
- Coach John Pranjic, host of the 3four3 podcast, is the mastermind behind our Coaching Conferences.
- Joey Cascio, currently LAFC’s academy coach, launched our player camps.
- Jose Gomez, past Hermann trophy finalist and pro, is immersed in design.
- Danny Rogers – new LA Galaxy U12 academy coach – is authoring our next set of eBooks.
And without a doubt, the community that’s been developing is making an incalculable impact with everyone they touch.
Today, we want to help advance and accelerate the education our country needs.
And we’re doing that by offering a powerful online course – free of charge.
Our mission?
Providing a significant educational impact for you with relatively no investment in your time.
But the only way to do that is delivering “all value, no fluff”. And it has to be simple, understandable, and engaging.
I think we’re on our way to achieving that with this course:
- A total of 7 lessons.
- Dripped out sequentially over 5 weeks.
- Average lesson, with video, taking no longer than 10 minutes.
- Every lesson is a self-contained topic.
- Taken together, all lessons offer a holistic education.
Sign up, let us know what you think, and share with everyone you believe can benefit from it.
Thank you guys, and keep building.
Gary & Brian,
After being bombarded by so much coaching propaganda over the last several years, I had become numb to the amount of information and guidance that is being passed through the various mediums that are available. I recently heard your interview with SiriusXM FC and became more than intrigued. I checked out your website and after reading and reviewing, I was hooked. You teach and are so passionate about the style of play that I believe to be appropriate, and yet I had allowed so much of the soccer ‘noise’ to distract me from my philosophy and chosen approach. I have a lot to learn, and I’m very appreciative of what you are working hard to do for our country’s players and soccer mentality.
I look forward to what you have to provide in your upcoming coaching series.
Hi Mark,
You are not alone.
The amount of coaching spam that exists is both alarming and damaging.
Thank you for joining us,
p.s. A decent, 1st order, litmus test for identifying the nonsense, is whether the publisher has a library of public video showcasing (“proving”) their product. No video, no thank you.
Excellent point. 9 x out of 10, there is no video product to support the info. Boom.
By the way…great session tonight with my U13s ….we did 9 v 2 rondo warm-up w/stretching, S drill, 4 v 0 progressing to 4 v 1 and then expanded to 7 v 3. Did finish with 6 v 6 game to see if my girls could better apply some of the key elements, with primary focus of receiving across the body, 2 touch and out, and lots of communication. May have thrown a bit much at them, but did see some good stuff. More rondos tomorrow night (and here on out) with playing out of the back. Repetition, repetition, repetition.
Will be ready for their RPL games this weekend…results will be great, but more interested in how we play. Time to keep it.
Appreciate all that you guys are doing and for reminding us about what’s truly important.
After watching the USMNT U23s play Colombia this past weekend, I have all but given up on the dream of the US playing something that resembles soccer. However, whenever you guys post something the dream is revitalized. Thanks guys.
Amazing stuff as always. I’m a fan of good coaching and have begun the process of being able to identify a good coach. I am curious if 3four3 will start a player curriculum in the near future. There are thousands of online videos claiming that by learning a particular skill or practicing a certain drill, the player can expect to be one of the best. However, training alone has its limits and players often get lost when they don’t have a proper coach or mentor to guide them.
Recently heard your interview with Paul Cammarata and I have to say I find myself agreeing with some of your points.
I’m interested to see what you have to offer and to see how it could improve myself and my players.
After attending my USSF D license this summer I came away wondering if really I learned anything (maybe just the class I was in…just 6 of us). I said to my wife…I think I threw my money out the window. The next day went to YouTube and typed in “national soccer championship” to see what a good team looks like U11 or u13 (my team is U9 the top competitive team in our quarter of the state, above our local competition and I need a model for the coming years). I came across your videos, team and this site. I’ve since been modeling off FC Barca, real Madrid and Chile…and following your suggestions. My team is a whole new team from spring to fall this year already. But when I submitted my practice plan…it’s not passing, coming back to me as too drill-like. Is there any agreement between the USSF requirements and yours…or am I stuck with an E license the rest of my life? Cause I already see the value in your model…and the fluff elsewhere. Not a rhetorical question…I really would love to know if there is any balance? 🙂
Hi, Jeff.
Lots of people have the same experience with “licenses”.
In short, licenses are a racket. A money-making, gatekeeping, instrument.
No, there is little by way of agreement between what USSF does and what we do.
My recommendation is to just do what is necessary to pass, even if you don’t agree with it. Nod your head yes, fluff the instructor(s), and get the license. That’s what all top-level coaches who know better do.