Youth soccer in Southern California continues to evolve, lead, pioneer, and at least in my opinion, host the largest density of talent in the country. It’s like a mecca for the youth game.
Now we too hope to contribute to this landscape on a macro scale and push the envelope even further!
So we’re opening the doors to 3four3 Analytics!
What is it?
For the first time ever, you’ll be able to explore all the clubs, teams, coaches, and players in the area in a very simple way. At your fingertips you’ll have 10 years of historical data spanning over 100 clubs, 6000 coaches, and 100,000 players!
What follows are just a handful of things possible with the new site; accompanied by sample screenshots.
Want to know what a coach’s history, experience, and records are?
We’ve got answers!

You can inspect a team’s trajectory season over season, and how its roster has changed over the years.

Want to explore a club’s history along with performance?
No problem, we’ve got details galore along with visualizations!

There are players currently playing in college or even professionally.
Want to know what youth clubs and coaches they played for?
You got it!
Dion Acoff (Creighton University)
Taylor Ramirez (North Carolina)
Jack McBean (LA Galaxy)
All of these things and more, are what’s possible with 3four3 Analytics.
Our goal here is to unleash the power of data on the US Soccer world in a way that’s easily accessible and intuitive. This is a very ambitious and long term project.
We’ve started off with youth soccer in Southern California, but look forward to the challenge of expanding nationwide and to all levels of play.
I hope you’ll join us on this mission. Your feedback, thoughts, and ideas at this early stage is HUGE!!!
So go ahead … Search, Explore, & Discover!
Nice!! I will check this out..
Cool. Let me know …
Great work Gary, looking forward to seeing how this develops. Will you be at the fullerton riverside game tomorrow?
How can we include a club from Northern California? We are in the Metro Gold division and would like to jump on board.
Hi Brandon.
Is there a league site you can point me to that keeps records online?
We’re also working on enabling user input …
Off topic but excellent news nonetheless! Caleb Porter is coaching the U23 Olympic Team!!
really cool, congrats for the initiative
Congratulations on the official launch of the database, Gary! I look forward to readiang more about its growth and success. It’s a tremendous accomplishment and a serviceable tool!
Also, I find your use of the term “trajectory” to be quite inventive in describing a team’s playing career. Nice touch!
Just found my team. Celtic Bronze Delta boys u-16 in 2009. We actually made it to the league cup finals.