Meaning, go well beyond being an organization that just houses soccer teams. Compliment that by offering a membership with real benefits. Here’s some things to consider: Voting rights Club hosted parties and activities A gym Field access Multiple sports Real city / neighborhood connection / outreach / integration Real business partnerships and integration Real school […]
What Are You Talking About?
Lack of definitions is a huge problem! In the context of soccer, when one says: “Culture” “Creativity” “Possession” “Attacking Style” “Development” “World Class” “Great Coach” “Great Player” etc .. Those things can all mean wildly different things, unless you have a proper reference. And that reference must be based on the best – the gold […]
A Huge Flaw in Logic that’s Keeping You From the Truth
Player development is a topic that applies to all age groups and levels of play. But, let’s keep our eye on the big picture. When the term player development is used, what is the general context it is usually being used in? What is it that’s being visualized? I think you know. We are thinking […]
Eric Wynalda’s Cal FC crushes professional side Wilmington Hammerheads
Pretty much everyone in this country would agree the system is broken. And pretty much everyone is WRONG! Wrong about precisely what it is that’s broken. You see, everyone just parrots the reasons the status quo protectors sell them. But the real problem is the status quo protectors themselves. We’re broken because of the people. […]
Portland Timbers U23s are defeated by PSA Elite? WTF?
PSA who? Exactly. Before I get all nasty with this … just a touch of background. I went to watch the final of a U.S. Adult Soccer Association regional (huh?) between a team called PSA Elite and a team that Eric Wynalda formed, Cal FC. (That was May 6th) These are two teams that were just […]
Blogging and the War of Ideas
I don’t think the point is getting across. As it relates to a post, let me just say that it’s ok if a reader “doesn’t get it“. People can’t be convinced or changed with a solitary article – not at their core anyways. Every time I write one of these, my brain screams: “Oh, but what […]
Warning!!! To All Our New Readers: This Blog is Probably Not for You
I’m dead serious! The majority of you likely joined us after the U11 video. That means the chunk of posts you’ve seen since, have been about kids playing soccer and our trip to Spain. So cute youth soccer stuff. Well, you’re in for a big ass shock if you think that’s what this site’s about. […]
Don’t Let Your Club Miss This Unique Opportunity!
Update I no longer support or endorse this thing. In fact, I’m embarrassed to have been duped by it. The past couple weeks have been crazy! With the release of our U11 video showcasing unseen before soccer in the States, and the subsequent chronicling of our younger U10s and those U11s competing in Barcelona, I’ve been […]
FC Barcelona Trip: Day 5 Notes
Barca Day 5 Day five commenced much the same as the previous day with Barca B training. Rondos for 10 minutes then some warm up exercises and straight to 11 v 11 action to prepare this weekends game against Nastic. Coach would pause and rehearse certain scenarios of what to expect on defense and offense. […]
A Phenomenal Soccer Education in 12 Minutes [Video]
We’ve been talking on this blog. Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. Anyone can talk. And anyone does. Just look at all the garbage online, and the monkeys on TV (I guess you’d have to be able to identify it as such). Well, it’s time to do some show. First some things to keep in mind: […]